dissabte, 3 de gener del 2015


I find human diversity surprising. People are certainly different from each other: you like watching TV adverts or you really hate them; maybe you have a gift to remember people’s names rather than faces, or you cannot stay calm and quiet for a while. Because of these differences, there are three kinds of learners: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK).

Visual learners have an innate ability to observe the world carefully. They prefer real things such as pictures, diagrams or flowcharts. There are some strategies for visual learners. For example, marking the key words from the notes with highlighted pens, making flashcards (the pictures on one side and the word on the other) or organising the notes in outlines or summaries.

Auditory learners strongly enjoy classes where they can discuss and talk about a matter. They can remember easily and faithfully songs or conversations. They prefer someone to explain them the task they have to do rather than follow some instructions. So, watching a documentary, a film or recording the lessons and listening to them in bed before falling asleep will be helpful for an auditory learner.

Kinaesthetic learners prefer touching, feeling and doing by their own since they need physical experience. They cannot sit still without doing anything because they lose their concentration. For a Kinaesthetic learner activities where they can design projects or act out will be indeed the best way to learn.

Knowing our abilities is important to get better in the study of a language. Each person not only has one learning method but a mixture of learning styles. This is the reason why here you have a website. You will be able to test yourself and discover what kind of learner you are. While I was answering the questionnaire, I was shocked because I usually sing in class when a word reminds me of a song and I had never realised about it! Actually, I am an auditory learner, but I also have some characteristics of the visual way. 

Good luck in your investigation! 


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